Scientific Calculations: Supports a wide range of scientific calculations, including fractions, statistics, complex numbers, base arithmetic, linear regression, and standard deviation.
Advanced Mathematical Functions: Includes 417 functions, such as matrix calculations, vector calculations, integration, and differentiation.
Multi-Replay Function: Allows you to go back through previous calculations step-by-step to edit expressions and recalculate answers.
Natural Textbook Display:
High-Resolution Display: Shows mathematical expressions as they appear in textbooks, making it easier to enter and read complex calculations.
2-Line Display: The top line shows the expression, and the bottom line shows the result, allowing for easy tracking of calculations.
User-Friendly Interface:
Ergonomic Design: Comfortable keys and intuitive layout for easy operation.
Menu-Driven Interface: Simple navigation through functions using easy-to-understand menus.
Durable and Reliable:
Solar and Battery Power: Dual power system with solar cell and battery backup ensures reliable operation even in low-light conditions.
Durable Construction: Sturdy and reliable build quality for everyday use.
Memory and Storage:
Multiple Memory Registers: Stores multiple variables and constants for quick access during calculations.
Equation Recall: Easily recall previous equations and results for review and further calculations.